Registration Information
Abstract Guidelines
Registration Information
Registration fees will cover all three days, June 23-25 of presentations, It includes a continental breakfast and afternoon snacks. Lunch and dinner are not included in the registration fee.
Registration Fees
General Admission (member) $55
General Admission + WSM Membership $75
General Admission (non-member) $85
Student Admission (member) $22
Student Admission + WSM Membership $30
Student Admission (non-member) $32
Become a WSM member to get the membership rates. WSM annual membership fee is $8 for students and $20 for non-students.
Field Trip to Santa Catalina Island on June 26
Field trip cost - $10, payable in cash at registration.
Please sign up here if you would like to attend this trip.
Other Information
You must be fully vaccinated to attend the meeting. WSM will follow all covid-19 health guidelines in effect for California, L.A. County , and the City of Pasadena at the time of the meeting. Please send proof of vaccination to You may also show proof at registration.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Please submit abstracts using the following format guidelines:
Abstract length is limited to 350 words including title and authors in Times New Roman, 12 point font. Submit as a .doc or .docx file.
TITLE: Concise and descriptive, bold font left justified
AUTHOR(s): Last name first, followed by initials, presenting author underlined, plain font, left justified
AUTHOR(s) affiliation: Include full postal address and email for all authors, italics, left justified
MAIN BODY: Use standard scientific English, avoid contractions, plain font, left justified
REFERENCES (optional): Author(s), year, title, journal (not abbreviated), volume, inclusive pages
Title: (bold, 12pt, Times New Roman)
Last name, Initials (1), Last name, Initials (2), Last name, Initials (3): use superscript numbers to indicate institutional affiliation, presenting author underlined
(1)Affiliation: Department, Institution, Street Address, City, Country, Postal Code, email
(1) denotes superscript
Posters should not be larger than 40 x 30 inches.
Formatted abstracts should be submitted no later than June 1, 2022. Note in your submission whether your abstract is for a talk or poster.
LouElla Saul Memorial Session
Submit formatted abstracts to Lindsey T. Groves and note in the subject line “WSM abstract memorial session [your last name].”
All Other Sessions
Submit to Michael Vendrasco at Note in the subject line “WSM abstract [session preference].”
WSM 2022 sessions are as follows:
Mollusk Conservation
Invasive Mollusks
General Session
We will try to accommodate all requests.